

Hello and welcome!

As you may have guessed my name is Aimee. I have just come back to New Plymouth, Taranaki, from an epic OE. I got to travel the world with my partner, Matt, and got to spend an amazing 2 years working in London. The coolest city I have ever lived in. I worked as a full time photographer for a luxury online fashion company, Net-A-Porter, where I met some of the most creatively talented people I know. New Zealand, I come back to you inspired and motivated more than ever.

 I’m also a kid of ’88. I grew up going to sleep the same time as the ‘good night kiwi.’ I was obsessed with the Spice Girls and Michael Jackson and perhaps still am? I have three sisters who I’m lucky enough to call my best friends, and best friends who I call sisters. "Blisters." Family is forever and always. Much like my love of food. Avocado and hummus is a match made in heaven and will always be on my grocery list. I bake, make, and create. Fashion thrills me with its infiniteness. You can find me rummaging through the Opshops or immersed within the glamorous world of Jimmy Choo’s. Yoga soothes my mind and a cup of tea warms my heart. (Especially when dunking a biscuit, or three, into it.) Love is, in my opinion, the essence of existence and I use photography as my tool, to creatively capture it. Let me capture you.

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